miercuri, 19 februarie 2014


Preşedintele clubului Gaz Metan Mediaş, Ioan Horoba, a susţinut miercuri după amiază, alături de antrenorul principal al echipei de fotbal, Cristian Dulca, o conferinţă de presă, prilej cu care au fost prezentate cele mai "proaspete" informaţii din anturajul echipei care, luni seara de la ora 20.30, va disputa primul meci oficial din acest an, cel cu ACS "Poli" Timişoara, din cadrul etapei a XX-a a Ligii I. Ultimul transfer, perfectat chiar în timpul conferinţei de presă, cel al goal-keeper-ului Cosmin Andrei Vâtcă (foto 1) a fost anticipat de Adevărul verde în faţă încă de acum o lună şi jumătate: "Am înţeles că Vâtcă urmează să se căsătorească cu o fată din Mediaş şi am considerat că e momentul unui ajutor reciproc, până la finele campionatului, în condiţiile în care Buchta s-a accidentat la ligamentele colaterale interne şi va fi indisponibil cel puţin 7-8 săptămâni, la fel ca şi Jordan Robertson", a spus oficialul medieşean.
Aceeaşi sursă a mai precizat că s-a primit o ofertă de-a dreptul jignitoare din partea unui club din Liga I, pentru un transfer definitiv al lui Bawab, în speţă 50.000 euro, care însă a fost declinată de către clubul-fanion de pe Târnava Mare. "Suntem în pragul unui schimb de generaţii, în contextul în care la opt dintre jucătorii care consider că şi-au făcut datoria faţă de acest club, le vor expira contractele, iar numai doi-trei şi-au manifestat intenţia de a mai continua la Gaz Metan. Oricum mai au la dispoziţie o săptămână să se decidă, pentru a începe negocierile cu aceştia. Altfel, consider că şi clubul şi-a făcut datoria faţă de jucători, în momentul de faţă fiindu-le plătite drepturile salariale inclusiv pe lunacl decembrie 2013. Din transferul lui Eric de Oliveira de la Pandurii Tg. jiu, la arabi, clubul nostru nu a încasat chiar toţi banii, ultima tranşă urmând a fi achitată abia la începutul lunii iunie", a menţionat Horoba. Iată mai jos, integral, declaraţiile celor doi oficiali - Cristian Dulca şi respectiv Ioan Horoba (foto 2) - făcute la conferinţa de presă de miercuri, de la stadion!!!

Un comentariu:

  1. Subject: OPEN LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF ROMANIA criminals Perfect


    Presidency of Romania - Department for civic issues , audiences and petitions

    Criminals perfect human beings AI

    Criminals perfect human being - horsepower are funders coups , civil wars , bombings ( August 28, 2005 , Sarajevo , Yugoslavia , Sunnis and Shiite mosque in Iraq) and autotatentate ( September 11, 2001 , New York , USA) and political assassinations ( John Kennedy , Anna Lindh and others ) , trafficking in arms, drugs , human beings , diamonds, coffee, cigarettes and others , and then to name the investors, businessmen.
    Perfect killers of human beings are speculative state STOCK EXCHANGE
    Romania until December 1989 had a rigorous planned economy , the state paid its foreign debts . After the coup Romanian economy was destroyed by a plan established by funders coup namely , privatization , restructuring and layoffs abusive and illegal . For over 16 years the Romanian citizens are thrown in the streets of companies of which are destroyed and sold scrap the Russians and the land beneath them is sold by investors on the other hand is nothing all foreign investors that redundant employees Romans did not give them salaries and work 10-12 hours a day ( factory Găieşti refrigerators , patron being a Turkish citizen ) , they work without license and without labor rights as citizens of Romania .
    The JAF NATIONAL genocide occurred with the consent of the entire political class and union presidents who allowed the destruction of the Romanian economy and industry , and Romanian citizens have become slaves working without license and without any rights as citizens of Romania .
    Romanian economy and the world is driven by stock exchange .
    Stock Exchange in 1995 the statistics that trades on the stock exchanges of the world were read daily by billions of dollars in 1500 , while total reserves of the banks were strong planetary 1,200 billion, which shows that speculators state , ie stock exchanges, owning more resources than state institutions issuing currency .
    Dominique Nora in an article published in Le Nouvel Observateur signals the pressure imposed by the new shareholders and new Internet companies brockeraj causing chaos in the world economy .
    In this case presents several phenomena of increases in shares on the Stock Exchange of companies that in reality they are bankrupt and the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars .
    amazon . com is a library on the Internet , whose shares have risen by more than 600 million dollars in 1998 , but the library has actual losses of over 100 million dollars in actual sales of books, CD - ROM, floppy disk , journals , and more and yet the stock market shares of amazon . com 's worth more than all American libraries are taking .
    Priceline , Connecticut , USA is a company that handles the sale of tickets through the Internet, Priceline shares on the stock market worth more than the company of American Airlines aircraft , aircraft owners , areas in airports, hangars , repair shops , runways and more.
    In1982 -1996 the number of billionaires in U.S. dollars increased from 13 to 149, and according to FORTUNE magazine's " billionaires club " has over 450 members from among all state speculators Stock Exchange , and in Russia there are over 146 billionaires by 1989.
